Copy Paste $3000 per Week from Affiliate Marketing


Copy Paste $3000 per Week from Affiliate Marketing


Hello guys, Today we going to talk about Copy and Paste $3000 per week Affiliate Marketing Method For Beginners To Make Money Online, Do let's get started; This is a no-work CPA marketing method for beginners to make money from anywhere in the world.


You don't need a website for this, you don't need to invest a single dollar, and you don't need any social media followers, so you will not have to create any YouTube videos, Instagram Pages, or whatsoever because the traffic source is actually done for you.


Let me show you how you can get everything done for you so you can do this without actually doing the work yourself.


Find best affiliate product


So first of all, you will need to find some affiliate offers to promote, and this literally works with whatever affiliate offer that you have to promote, like for example, you can go to and go to their Marketplace and you can find different software as a service companies to promote, and I personally like to prefer digital products like software because if you promote something that's like a physical product, there is an inventory, so there is a limit.


So how much money you can make because there is a limit to how many products you can sell like, for example, if you're selling a lamp, there may be a thousand lamps and that's it, but if you're selling software, you can get unlimited sales, so that's why I personally prefer digital products over physical products and that's why I will be using


You will go to their Marketplace if you want to use the same platform. First, explore the marketplace, and there you can find a lot of different products to promote;


for example, one product will pay you $300 per person, other product will pay you $30 per person, and another product will pay you $30 per person.30 reoccurring commission for every transaction, and when it's a reoccurring commission, that means that you literally have to refer someone to eBay, and as long as they keep on using the platform, you will keep on using as  long as they keep on using the software  you will keep on making money every single month and basically build a passive income from that.


For example, a software gets a 20 percent reoccurring commission for the lifetime of the customer, so if they keep on using the software for the next 10 years, you will keep on making money, and that's basically 75 dollars for every plan purchased on this software.


Social Boost software


So basically, I think this is software that helps people grow on social media because it's called Social Boost. it's related to social media marketing and sales, so it helps people get more followers on Instagram and on other social media platforms.


Let's actually check that this is a social boost. As you can see, Instagram marketing agency number one grows your Instagram with real followers that will like, comment, and engage with your content. So what we will need to do is apply if you have programs and promote that software as an affiliate.


You won't have entered her first name, entered her last name, entered her email address, and then you can select which reward you would prefer, whether you want 30 lifetime reoccurring commissions for any plan or you want to earn 75 dollars for any purchase plan.


I would personally go with a 20 percent lifetime review commission so that we can actually build a passive income from this.


If they keep using the software, you will keep making money. Then you will select whether you're an affiliate marketer or a social media influencer and stuff like that. You will select how you will be promoting this, and if you have a website, you can link it.


Make a website to promote affiliate products/software


If you don't have a website, don't worry, this can stay blank, and then you can just click next, and that's how you apply to promote this software as an affiliate.


Now, once you have an affiliate link for one of these software products that you want to promote, all you're going to do is go over to any word, which is an AI tool that's pretty much going to do the work for you.


That's pretty much going to write something for you. Don't worry, I'm not tell you to generate articles and share them over there, because I know we talked about anywhere in the past, but we're not going to use any word in a different way.


So all you're going to do is sign up for any word for free with this AI bot and then click on sign in to log into your account. Once you log into your account, you will be able to access all the different features that they have on this website.


So basically, what I want to do is select a new product workplace, so I'm just going to type in something random and then go to data-driven copywriting, and that's going to give you all these different tools that anyone has at their disposal.


Email marketing for affiliate products


So basically all the different things that this AI bot can do for you, including Twitter ads including call-to-actions, Walmart product listings on Facebook, Instagram captions, and whatnot, but what you are mostly interested in is emailing, so you basically want to select email.


And once you open up the cold email section, you will enter your product name, which in this case is going to be Social Boost that we are promoting. You will enter the product description, and if you don't know anything about a product, just go back to the sales page and just type it in.


In this case, I know that this is the product; this software helps people grow on Instagram and get more real followers, okay?


So I will just write a brief description, then click on generate, and it will basically just generate a cold email that I can send out to other people.


Now don't worry, you will not have to have an email list for this or whatsoever because it's pretty much going to be done for you, so become an Instagram star.


I'm going to use this first headline, and once we have the headline, which is basically the subject line of this email, we will generate a full email as well, so you can select whether you want it.


The default hard sell or playful, and then you will select one of these subject lines. Now that you have the subject line, which is for me going to be become an Instagram star, you will generate the email body, so go to email body and then select what we want the default to be or not. I'm going to go with the most default one, and we will go with that.


that will generate a full email for us that we can copy and paste and use to make money, so here's the email so I can select one of these;


for example, this one has the highest score, 83, and then they will use their name, my name is, and then they will use our name, and I weren't for social boost, where we help people grow on Instagram and get more real followers by limiting a few simple strategies.


Let's  set up a time for me to show you how social media can boost your customer base, and they can reply to this email.


Then you can just tell them explain to them how social media boost works, and then you can basically just leave your affiliate link over there so they can sign up and test it out for free.


So anyways, now I'm going to copy this email as well, so I'm going to copy the email, and then we're going to proceed to the next platform, which is basically going to get you those emails on autopilot, and that platform is called Hercules, plus this is already


which is a platform where you can get over a thousand emails and send out over a thousand emails to 1 000 people every single day for completely free, so in the next 30 days you can literally send out 30 000 emails to 30 000 different people and eventually get a lot of them.


signed up through your link. Whatever type of offer that you're promoting, it's better to promote something that gives you like something that has a mass appeal because you can't target a specific type of audience with a Hercules Plus, so I will maybe go with some make money online offer or I will go with some something like weight loss and fitness or love and relationships because that's like something that has a mass appeal and that's going to get you a lot more sign ups.


than if you go with something super specific, so even something like social media marketing might not be the best one, but I will just go with the flow and think like maybe there are a lot of people who actually want to grow on Instagram, so a social boost might be beneficial to them.


So what you want to do is sign up for Hercules Plus by pressing the sign up button right over here and then you will be able to log in just press the login button and then you can enter your login details and you can log into your account.


Just be aware there's a lot of ads all around the platform, so make sure you're not clicking on any of those ads because they will redirect you to a random website and you will probably get confused and lost and eventually not be able to set it up.


then you will just need to confirm your email, so the email that you've used to actually sign up for Hercules Plus will need to be confirmed, so you will just open up the inbox, click on that, and confirm it, and after that you will be able to just paste the email that you created using any word, and you can include your affiliate link in it.


but if someone replies, what do I view? Well, you just need to open up that email and then see all the people who have replied through the email that has been blasted through Hercules plus to those 1000 people. If, out of those 1000 people, let's say 50 reply, you will start replying to those 50 emails and you will provide as much value.


Basically, just tell them a little bit more about social boost or whatever type of offer that you're promoting, just tell them a little bit more about it so that they get more confident to actually sign up and include your affiliate link again and again to make sure that they actually use your affiliate link to go through that platform because otherwise you won't earn an affiliate commission, and honestly, that's not true.


you actually got a lot more signups and built passive income once again without showing your face in front of the camera and without recording any videos yourself.


It's  basically a business model called YouTube Automation, and I will walk you through the entire process on exactly how that works and exactly how you can set that up for yourself because if you're driving traffic, for example, through all of these different websites or like Hercules, that's not really consistent, and you're not building anything sustainable like in my work.


So you might get some sales, but it doesn't guarantee that you will actually build a sustainable online business that can serve you for a very long time.


For example, if you go with Facebook or Instagram ads, you need to spend money to get traffic, and in most cases, people lose money on that.


But when it comes to faceless YouTube automation, you're getting traffic for free from YouTube, so you're driving traffic for free.


Plus, on top of all of that, you're making money from ad revenue, so YouTube is literally paying you to drive traffic to different offers.