6 SKILLS all men NEED in 2023


6 SKILLS all men NEED in 2023


today's we gonna talk about 6 SKILLS all men NEED in 2023, so let’s get started, world of the internet and social media, technology is doing more and more for us. Thousands of years ago, we had to hunt down our food, hide from predators, and climb trees for shelter, but nowadays there is almost nothing we have to do.


You can get food delivered to your door, get medication if you get sick, and see endlessly beautiful women with the press of a button, but no matter how much times have changed, some things will always remain the same.


In this article, you will learn about six skills that every man needs now just as much as he needed them thousands of years ago.


skill number one:  focus


social media has had a massive impact on people's  attention, span and their ability to  focus some of you have been affected. so  badly that you can't even sit through  this entire article without skipping ahead  I challenge you to  focus throughout this article and really  pay attention without getting distracted,  can you do it. The ability to focus is a powerful skill for men, one that can make the difference between success and failure.


it's not just about being able to concentrate on one task but also about being able to tune out distractions and stay laser focused on the goal at hand the ability to focus is what allows men to become true masters  of their craft to hone their skills and  Achieve greatness.


Men who can focus are not easily distracted, they're not easily deterred by setbacks, and they are not easily defeated by obstacles; they are able to keep their eyes on the prize and achieve their dream.


The never-ending feed of content and entertainment on apps like Tick Tock and Instagram has ruined people's attention span to the point that normal tasks seem more boring than they used to be. Most people can't even go to the toilet without their phone.


Social media apps often use push notifications to lure you in. You have a new message, someone tagged you in a photo, you click the notification, and you end up spending hours scrolling through brain numbing content that you do not care about.


Most people find it close to impossible to focus because they are used to being constantly entertained, and everything is boring when you are always entertained.


how can you achieve your goals


If you're not even able to focus on your work without checking your phone, the good news is that because everyone has lost their ability to focus, it's easy to stand out because most of your competition is too entertained and impatient to focus. This is one of the most important skills to learn, but it will take a lot of time and commitment.


 skill number two: leadership 


Leadership is the backbone of success, and for men, it's a powerful tool that can change the course of your life and the lives of those around you. Imagine a leader. Standing tall, radiating, confidence and charisma, inspiring others to follow in his footsteps and reach their goals.


that's the kind of impact  strong leadership can have it's not just  about being in charge it's about being  able to unleash the full potential of  those around you many people want to do everything  their own.


But a leader understands that a group of five people learns five times faster than a man working alone. What could be better than achieving success on your own? How about achieving it with your friends and family? Leadership is not just a skill; it's a responsibility, and when you embrace it, you have the power to make a lasting impact on the world.


It's not just about the destination; it's about the example you set along the way. Leadership is about having the courage to make difficult decisions and the integrity to do what's right.


Remember this: there aren't no difference between a hero and a coward inside. They're both exactly alike, both scared of dying or getting hurt, but it's what the hero does that makes him a hero.


skill number three: fighting 


The society that separates its scholars from its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards, and its fighting done by bulls, the kaidades.


Every man should learn how to fight, not so he can go around and annoy people, but so he is capable of defending himself and his loved ones. Don't train to start violence; train to avoid it. But one of the most important reasons to learn how to fight is one that is rarely talked about.


When someone learns how to fight, they will always become more confident. When you consistently face opponents in sparring or competition, you'll realize that nothing compares to the nerves you feel when standing in front of an opponent.


The daily challenges you face will pale in comparison, and they will suddenly not even feel like challenges at all.


Learning any form of fighting will make you more confident than you would believe is possible, and make things like asking for a promotion or flirting with an attractive woman feel like the easiest things in the world. In the modern day, you'll likely never need to defend yourself, but like they say, it.


skill number  four: public speaking


Skill number four is even more important now than ever before: public speaking. Learning how to fight will help your confidence, but learning how to be a great speaker is one of the best skills you can learn as a man.



By becoming a great speaker, you can confidently go into any job interview confrontation or debate with 100 percent confidence in yourself.


Everyone wants to be the guy who never runs out of things to say, never experiences awkward silences, and can confidently talk to anyone.


Great speakers get better grades better jobs, and more opportunities simply because they know how to present themselves and convince others. The problem is that no one wants to put in the work, but if you consistently practice public speaking, it will help you with friendship and love.


skill number  five : adaptability


Adaptability is the ultimate survival skill in today's fast-paced world. It is the ability to  change, evolve, and become better than last time.


imagine a  chameleon blending seamlessly into its  environment always one step ahead of its  Predators That's the power of adaptability; it's what separates the strong from the weak.


Life is full of obstacles and unexpected turns, but men who are adaptable are able to navigate these challenges with grace and resilience. They are able to think on their feet, come up with creative solutions, and emerge stronger.


Victorious men who  are adaptable are able to take risks  Embrace new opportunities and constantly improve; they stay ahead of the curve, and the most adaptable man will always come out on top.


skill number six: control your emotion


Skill number six that all men should aim to get is emotional control. Nowadays, people are often applauded for being weak and punished for being tough, but by practicing emotional control, you will be able to get your work done no matter how you feel.


Emotional control is what separates the winners from the losers. If you let how you feel stop you from doing what you know you should do, you do not have control over your own life. You need to develop an iron mind to take control of your life.